






Please contact the Administrator on 01584 879233 to check the current status of these groups.

Table Tennis club, Monday evenings, Tel 01584 890670.

Care for Creation, meeting mainly on Zoom. This is an ecumenical group run by the Methodist Church, for those who care about the climate crisis and our natural environment.

Bible Study, a group meets from time to time for a short series of studies. Usually meeting in the Garden Room on Wednesday afternoons.

Ludlow Under Pressure is an ecumenical group meeting at the Methodist Church. Its aims are to identify unmet needs in the local area and work with the churches, Hands Together Ludlow and other groups to find solutions.

Our premises are also regularly used by a variety of community groups

For more information on groups and activities within the church please contact the Administrator on 01584 879233 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Ludlow Methodist Church


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